Outdoor Senior Pictures

portrait of a girl with long blonde hair in a field of white flowers for senior pictures

Cece was one of my first 2025 seniors for senior pictures! She found me through a friend who is one of my past seniors.

Cece really wanted her senior pictures in nature spots. Her vision was open fields and a bright, colorful flower spot. So, I went location hunting on a mission to find us some cool spots.

a dog looks up at its owner for senior pictures
a girl hugs her dog for senior pictures

Senior Pictures with Your Dog

Our first spot had these really pretty white flowers. I really loved how simple the spot was. Itโ€™s more than just trees and greenery and the flowers really made it pop without being overwhelming. She had this super cute outfit with the pink pantsโ€”I just love a pop of pink!! It is a perfect outfit for senior pictures. We also included her dog, Hazel, who literally is the freaking cutest dog ever. We love Hazel. up

A love of my clients get nervous to include their dog because they are fearful their dog wonโ€™t behave or they wonโ€™t get any good photos. I always tell people that all we actually needs is 5-10 minutes with the dog and we can get so many cute pictures. That is exactly how it went down with Cece and Hazel! We got some cuddly shots and a few of them walking together. When I have a pup in front of my camera, I canโ€™t help but get some shots of the pup too!

A girl pets her dog in a field while sitting in a blanket for senior pictures
girl in white dress holds up a flower for senior pictures
Girl in white dress smiles for senior pictures

Colorful Senior Pictures

I pulled out this thrifted blanket Iโ€™d found for a past senior picture sessionโ€”it added a fun pop of color and went really well with her outfit. Cece is just so stinking cute. She is so sweet and outgoing. I really loved this session with her.

Our next location was our colorful flower spot! I found it on the side of the roadโ€”itโ€™s on private property, so I made sure to ask the owner for permission ahead of time. I wanted for her to be able to hold some flowers, but wanted to be respectful of the ownerโ€™s property, so I brought a few flowers with me from my home garden Iโ€™ve been growing with my Marlee girl. That way we wouldnโ€™t be picking any of their flowers. She had this really pretty white dress to balance the color from the flowers. She is just so dang cute.

girl in white dress holds her flowers and  arms above her head for senior pictures
Girl in white dress smiles and looks to the side for senior pictures

The Weather and Senior Pictures

At first, the sun was out and we got to play with direct sun which was really fun. It made for really bright photos that feel sunny. Part way through our time at this spot, the sun hid behind the clouds. It made for the prefect spot where the flowers really popped and the colors so were so so beautiful.

I love, love, love this session. OBSESSED. I am literally getting giddy just looking back at them.

We ended the session at this open field location. Her white top/cream pant combo is SO cute here. I really love the neutral feel of these photos. Itโ€™s perfect for senior pictures and Ceceโ€™s vibe!

Contrary to what you might think, the weather starting to turn overcast made these photos turn out so pretty. We were almost fighting rain at one point. It really couldโ€™ve started raining at any second. The weather and light changing that day gave her loads of variety in her senior pictures. She had some really bright photos, some that felt more neutral, and some that feel a little moody. It might have been a totally different gallery if we shot on a different day.

black and white portrait of a girl in a field for senior pictures
a girl sits with her left arm propping up her head surrounded by a field of white flowers for senior pictures
a girl walks through a field and reaches out to the flowers and sky for senior pictures

Volleyball Senior Photos

While we were at this spot, we also got some volleyball senior photos. There was this fence which gave sport-y, urban-y vibes. Cece plays volleyball at Elmwood, so we wanted to include a few volleyball senior photo shots, too.

text message testimonial from a volleyball senior pictures client


Cece sent me some of the sweetest texts after she got her photos back!! Texts like this are seriously my love language.

a girl throws a ball in the air while leaning on a fence for volleyball senior photos
a girl with one hand in her blue jeans rests a volleyball on her right thigh for volleyball senior photos
closeup of a girl sitting up against a fence with a volleyball at her feet in the grass for volleyball senior photos

Your Senior Pictures

Senior pictures are some of my favorite sessions I get to do. I love getting to find the perfect locations and planning all the details to make sure each seniorโ€™s session is unique and personal for THEM and their interests. If you are a senior or have a senior child, check out my senior pictures page and get your session booked. You can also follow me on IG to see my latest work and what is going on in my world! See ya there! <3


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